For Immediate Release
March 6, 2017
Vince Vong
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Cleveland, OHAsian Services In Action, Inc., a non-profit agency that provides health care and social service support in the refugee and immigrant communities of Northeast Ohio, condemns the president’s latest travel ban as unfair and un-American.

The ban unfairly targets people of the Muslim faith from six nations. It also suspends the U.S refugee program for 120 days, upending thousands of lives without reason or evidence of need, and drastically narrows the doorway for future refugees.

The order, signed by President Trump on March 6, will replace his original travel ban signed on January 27. That ban was frozen by the courts for violating due process and the U.S. Constitution’s ban on discriminating against a religious group.

The president’s new plan fails to address many of the concerns expressed by the courts and by civic and religious leaders,  including proof of the ban’s relevance for protecting national security, or any evidence that it is not motivated by anti-Muslim animus.

The targeting of refugee’s is perplexing and unwarranted.  The president’s decision would freeze the refugee program for three months and reduce by more than half the modest number of refugees now accepted for resettlement.

Refugees, the world’s most desperate immigrants, already endure a strenuous vetting process that can span two years. As Northeast Ohio has learned, they rank among the most thankful and industrious Americans.

Asian Services In Action, Inc.’s Chief Executive Officer, Michael Byun, released the following statement in response to the second effort to ban Muslims and refugees:

“The new executive order is part of a larger pattern of anti-immigrant rhetoric coming from this administration. It goes against the great American tradition of welcoming new cultures and allowing people to come here and realize their dreams.

The dramatic reduction in refugee arrivals is most distressing. It shows not only a lack of compassion but a lack of knowledge of what makes America special. The next doctor scientist to cure cancer, or the next Google founder, may be part of the some 55,000 people who are in limbo, and maybe in danger, as they wait to come to the United States. These are the people who will help strengthen our communities and make America great again.”

Asian Services In Action, Inc. (ASIA, Inc.)
Founded in 1995, and serving the community for 20 years, ASIA, Inc. is the largest organization providing culturally and linguistically relevant health and human services to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs), and others who face cultural barriers. Our mission is to provide AAPIs access to quality culturally, and linguistically appropriate information and services. For more information about ASIA, visit or at @asiaohio.