Conducting Advocacy With Election Officials to Ensure Compliance with Section 203 of the Voting Rights Act (Part 2 of 2)
This is the second of two workshops focusing on how community members can advocate with election officials to make sure that they provide adequate language assistance in elections. This advocacy is tied to a federal law called Section 203 of the Voting Rights Act, which in brief requires counties across the country to provide language assistance to Asian American and other voters. The law has contributed to Asian American political empowerment, but only when election officials provide language assistance effectively.
The purpose of the two workshops is to provide community members with information and tools that they can use in advocacy efforts with election officials leading up to Election Day, with the goal of having election officials provide competent and appropriate language assistance during the 2012 election cycle.
This second workshop builds off the first workshop by covering Section 203 implementation issues such as pre-election publicity and outreach; bilingual poll worker recruitment, training and targeting; election hotlines; and election day troubleshooting.
The first workshop provided an overview of Section 203 and its requirements and also covered Section 203 implementation issues such as the determination of which languages to provide assistance in, and translated written materials.
These two workshops will be followed by a third workshop on conducting poll monitoring efforts on Election Day.
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server
Required: Mac OS® X 10.5 or newer